Book Reviews

The Jode - Part 3: Ygl & the Dwarf

By PJ Selarom

The Jode Part 3  


Pages: 259

ISBN: 978-1734086027

Date Reviewed: October 10, 2023

Release Date: September 19, 2023



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The adventure of General Ygl concludes in The Jode Part 3: Ygl & the Dwarf. Author PJ Selarom is taking readers back to the inner Earth and the land of Zaendara. For those unfamiliar with the story, pick up copies of the first two installments in the trilogy. Not only will it give you a better understanding of the current storyline, but both books are fascinating. The high fantasy series is worth spending some time with.

General Ygl and his companions are still searching for the Jode, an object powerful enough to rule the world. To save the land of Zaendara, they must stop Emperor Rondo and Xurchon's psychotic plan to control the Jode. With the help of the Genie and some new friends the General meets along the way, Ygl is gaining hope his side can win in the upcoming war.

"I will rule Zaendara's nations."

"Not just that, but all Inner Earth." Man's emperor balked. He hadn't thought about that, protecting his thoughts from his new god. Xurchon continued, his eyelids in the cream creased with pleasure.

"Don't lose faith, Rondo. All things shall come when due. The Ogres' forces are upon the Giants' estate, and thy mist simply waits. Thou must strike before the Ogrean queen builds up more defenses."

"What is she doing?" Rondo perked up, taking another bite of egg.

"She's entombed her royal subjects and herself within her palace. With her divine right, she has transformed her palace window panels into shifting marble to seal her windows to withstand the mist. She's also instructed her people to barricade themselves within their homes. Her guards—"

"Why not let them suffocate themselves, mighty Xurchon?" The emperor shifted his disapproving gaze. He wondered if he drank the tea, maybe Xurchon would go away."

Selarom has created a unique world and culture for its inhabitants. His Jode trilogy is a breath of fresh air in a genre that was becoming a little stale. The characters are well-developed, and readers can watch as each one grows and evolves as the story advances. His descriptive writing easily transports readers to Zaendara, where dwarves, genies, demons, and gods in teacups are a common part of everyday life. If you are new to the Jode trilogy, it is highly recommended you start at the beginning of General Ygi's adventure. You don't want to miss a single action-packed adventure in this thrilling fantasy adventure series. Join the General in the search!


"I will rule Zaendara's nations." "Not just that, but all Inner Earth."

About the Author - PJ Selarom




PJ Selarom

PJ Selarom, an Air Force veteran, is a lover of mythologies, inclusivity, and comics. He ventures to combine these ideas in his wonderfully dark adventure of love, religion, and politics. He's always loved writing even during elementary school when he wrote "Spider's Birthday Party." During his middle school years, he wrote his own musical and won an award for storytelling "Bartholomew & the Gobbledygook." He has a medical degree, won awards in acting, was in English honors, and resides in a treehouse somewhere in the country taking care of his baby unipegon. He can be reached at PJSELAROM.COM.

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