Book Review FAQ

How long does a review take?

Our standard reviews take 5-8 weeks and our RUSH reviews only take between 3-4 weeks.


What type of books do you accept?

We accept all different types of fiction and non-fiction books including subcategories such as crime, humor, thriller, biography, essay, fantasy, science fiction, romance, business, religion, horror, poetry, etc. If your book contains extreme, objectionable or explicit material we reserve the right to cancel your review.

What file types can I send in?

We can accept standard .epub files as well as a PDF. In some instances, we can also accept the .docx (or comparable) file if your book has not yet been professionally formatted.


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Can I mail you my book?

If you already have a printed copy of your book and would prefer to send it to us, that works as well. Although an electronic copy is preferred, we can accept these requests. Please keep in mind that the timeline for receiving your book reviewed will start once we receive your book at our location. Instructions for mailing your book will be provided after you complete your order.

Will my review be positive?

You are taking a great step and are getting an independent book review. All our reviews are completely unbiased. You are not guaranteed a positive review. However, you ARE guaranteed to get a completely honest review of your work. In the event that the review received is not positive, you can choose to not have that review published. All our reviews are the honest opinions of our editors and reviewers, which adds a lot of credibility with our readers and publisher contacts.

Where can I use my review?

The best part about your review is that you can use it anywhere and in almost any way that you want. Your review can be a part of your book page on our website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore, Goodreads, Wikipedia, your website, your blog, your press release, etc. The book review is an important and essential ingredient in your marketing plan. And if you need help making or implementing a plan, we can help with that too.

How much does the review cost?

Our standard reviews cost only $289 and are completed within 5-8 weeks. Our RUSH service costs $389 and will deliver your review in 3-4 weeks. This is the total cost to you. There are no hidden fees or other charges.


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Where will my review appear?

Once your review is complete, you will be notified and emailed a copy of your review. After 10 days, your review will be automatically posted to our affiliated book sites. If you do not want your review published, you must contact us by email before that time. If you would like to speed up the process, you can always email before the 10 days confirming receipt and giving approval to publish the review.


In addition to your review being automatically posted to our affiliated book sites, we will also provide you with a tutorial on how to add the review to any existing listings or pages that may exist online.

Can I use my review in my marketing plan?

Of course! Once your review is complete, it is yours to work with! The only restriction is that you must leave the byline intact. For example, if you are quoting from the review, you'll need to include where the comment came from. See below:


"You'll be finding excuses to sneak off and read this book. One of the best of the year." - Entrada Book Reviews



How does the review process work?

When you complete the online form (including payment) you will upload your book at that time or mail it to us. Once we receive your title, the clock starts on the time to get your review completed. Your book will be assigned to one of our specialized editors and reviewers who will dive in and begin reading your book. Once complete, our reviewers will write their review, between 250-350 words. We will then make a copy of the review available to you. You can approve the review immediately, but unless we hear otherwise, your review is posted online after 10 days. If you choose to not have your review published, that is fine, but we'll need to hear from you before the 10 days are up.

How does a book review help me get discovered?

A book review is a great part of a book marketing plan. But what does that actually mean? It means that it should be a part of all the different things you are already doing to promote your book. For example, you can use quotes from the review on the cover of the book, in your signature line of your email, on a business card, on a poster at a book signing, on a flyer you provide at a book fair, in your blog, on your website, etc.


Why do we ask people we know for a book recommendation? Because we want to read something that's quality, entertaining and enjoyable. A book review gives you more credibility and makes you look more professional. A positive review will push someone who is on the fence into giving your book a try. Who knows? That could be someone that refers your book to dozens of other people.

How do I get my review?

Your review will be emailed to you within the time frame stated, either 5-8 weeks for a standard review or 3-4 weeks for a RUSH review.

Do you offer editing?

Yes we offer editing. However, we recommend that you complete this step BEFORE paying for a review. Our reviewers may catch typos and errors but your document should be considered print ready (as far as text goes) before ordering a review.

Do you offer cover design or layout help?

Yes we can do cover design, help with layout, convert your book to .epub, or CreateSpace or get it iBookstore ready. We can even get it printed and published for you. If you want to find out more, head over to our author services page or contact us for more information.


What is the return policy for reviews or services?

We want you to be happy and we guarantee a high quality, polished review. However, we cannot offer refunds if you are not happy with your review. You do have the right for us to cancel publication of your review and not post it on our website and other media outlets.


For author services, such as graphic design, book design, editing, etc., we do not offer refunds on any services provided.


What makes you different from Kirkus Book Reviews?

We offer the best reviews in publishing, independent or otherwise. Our professional book review service offers an honest review at a fraction of the time and cost of a Kirkus Book Review. Our reviews and quotes help your book sell well and quicker. You can also take advantage of our full publishing team's resources to help increase your book's exposure. Our top rated books enjoy recommendation to libraries across the world and placement in many of them.